Divine Consciousness connects you with the consciousness of unity in which creator and creation are one. In the divine consciousness everything can be experienced simultaneously; and here you can dive into an endless stream of knowledge and wisdom. Divine Consciousness synchronises with your own consciousness so that guidance and inspiration can be received and integrated. This fine-tuning makes it possible to be naturally connected to the higher levels and to live your life accordingly. Divine Consciousness enhances new forms of spiritual exchange and communication; and new networks of light can be formed. Divine consciousness penetrates the earthly consciousness sending countless light sparks into all worlds bringing in new inspiration. In unity with this energy, we can weave new creation patterns and create new morphogenetic fields.
這精華是一個有力的轉化工具,它可以消融任何來自於你自身系統內的抗拒。Ganesha 賦予自由並去除道路上的障礙,它協助成功,幫助你在所有層級上達到目標。有一句真言可以和這精華一起使用。
Ganesha 使你接觸到神聖世界與天堂,就如同地球的新故事正在被創造,這精華帶領你與自己在這些時代的阿卡莎(Akasha)接觸。
每款精華液均有 10 毫升裝。
原料 :
酒精(24 vol.%)和星光頻率。