1. Hold the bottle above your head with your arm outstretched and then slowly bring it down astral (2-5cm) in front of your heart chakra, hold it for a moment and make a clockwise circle with it there.
2. Apply 1 drop each to the heart chakra and with the index finger on the back of the neck in a line from the bottom to the top (C7 - C1)
3. Apply 1 drop each to the lotus chakra, both feet, knees, root, navel, solar plexus, throat and forehead chakra and both shoulders.
4. Rub 3 drops in your hands and place them on both kidneys for a few moments, bring the hands forward and make a clockwise circle around your belly button 3 times with the flat of one hand.
5. Put 1 drop on your tongue or in a small glass of water.
Light of Xerius connects instantly with the light of Xerius. It reminds you of
the moment when you joyfully took on the task to serve the light.
This essence will strengthen and uplift you if you feel powerless or if you have
lost your connection as it activates your light code and reconnects you to
the never-ending energy source of light.
Light of Xerius brings a strengthening on all levels and reminds you of your
own tasks. It brings you into contact with new forms of being a light
warrior in which the love presence is so strong that anything that touches
it is transformed instantly. Light of Xerius promotes unconditional focus on
the light.
Ananda Ma 與宇宙的永恆喜悅連結,讓你憶起這是神性存有的初始狀態,是靈魂天生的家,沒有任何言語可以形容這樣的喜悅,與地球上的快樂是無法相比擬的。
Ananda Ma 穿越所有的層級,讓永恆的喜悅充滿著你,好讓你可以將這份喜悅帶入生活之中。藉由與合一的連結,它幫助你在每個時刻,都能夠體驗自己的神性之流。
每款精華液均有 10 毫升裝。
原料 :
酒精(24 vol.%)和星光頻率。