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Light of Xerius connects instantly with the light of Xerius. It reminds you of the moment when you joyfully took on the task to serve the light. This essence will strengthen and uplift you if you feel powerless or if you have lost your connection as it activates your light code and reconnects you to the never-ending energy source of light.

New Levels 2012

Light of Xerius brings strengthening on all levels and reminds you of your own tasks. It brings you into contact with new forms of being a light warrior in which the love presence is so strong that anything that touches it is transformed instantly. Light of Xerius promotes unconditional focus on the light. It grants access to all holy places, which are now being created in the parallel world.

(54) Light of Xerius is available as an essence and as an energy card.

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Die Essenz kann auf den Körper aufgetragen, in die Energiekörper und in die Aura gebracht werden.

Inhalt: 10 ml

Inhaltsstoffe :

Alkohol (24 Vol.%) & Starlight Schwingungen