Actual Presence helps you to understand that there is a window of time available for the success of any plan or activity. Once this gateway is closed the energy to enable you to carry out your goal will dissipate. Actual Presence helps you to take the right steps at the right time – the steps that are necessary to complete tasks and reach goals. This essence releases you from old out-dated goals and ideas and brings you into the Here and Now with a clear focus on your current situation so that you can guide your energy in the right direction.
Divine Vision 讓你潛入神性的創造夢想中,這對於你自身的世界與自己的生活是重要的,這是你自身的創造層級開始溝通與開展的地方。透過這精華,你可以透過自己塵世的方式去經驗到這些願景,然後將其顯化出來。單靠文字並不足以描述神性願景的完整與完美,當你對這些神性願景敞開,讓它們的純淨、美麗與完美碰觸到你,它們將用愉悅充滿你的心,然後朝顯化的方向邁進。
每款精華液均有 10 毫升裝。
原料 :
酒精(24 vol.%)和星光頻率。