Lossum awakens the memory of your origin, your divine light and your tasks thus helping you to find your path in life and to move forward. This essence can be used when aspects of your soul have become lost or are still bound in other worlds. Lossum helps you to find and collect them and supports their reintegration. This essence penetrates all illusion, everything the soul has set between itself and the light of its origin, making it possible to reconnect with your inner core. Lossum brings deep peace allowing you to find within yourself everything that has long been buried; and for which you have been seeking in vain in the outer world. This essence instantly brings light into all the false paths your soul has already followed and illuminates your true path. Lossum is a very powerful essence to help you reach completion and fulfilment.
New Levels 2012
Lossum connects the levels which allow you to recognise and regain your core qualities in order that you can access your own completeness.
Ananda Ma 與宇宙的永恆喜悅連結,讓你憶起這是神性存有的初始狀態,是靈魂天生的家,沒有任何言語可以形容這樣的喜悅,與地球上的快樂是無法相比擬的。
Ananda Ma 穿越所有的層級,讓永恆的喜悅充滿著你,好讓你可以將這份喜悅帶入生活之中。藉由與合一的連結,它幫助你在每個時刻,都能夠體驗自己的神性之流。
每款精華液均有 10 毫升裝。
原料 :
酒精(24 vol.%)和星光頻率。