We - Deborah and MaRa, have been on our own spiritual path now for over 35 years.
Finding truth and clarity for everyday life and guidance on all levels of our beings.

We have made many discoveries about and experienced a lot of transformations within ourselves. Even after all these years of experience, there are new things we come across and learn on almost a daily basis.

We met as young women in a meditation group over 30 years ago and have shared a mutual love and understanding of the importance of spiritual guidance and energy work since then.

Everything that we have discovered and experienced, we have then immediately integrated into our lives.
We have been sharing this knowledge through personal sessions, classes and trainings for more than 25 years.

Sharing many life experiences we have become close friends and created various projects together.

During a visit to Deborah’s Center in England we were inspired to create a workshop about the female quality and Shakti power called Shakti Lotus Bliss. Originally it was only about and for women. This has led us on a journey of creating a Path of Self-empowerment.

Shortly after the start the pandemic came and we had to change all plans to online and the program wanted to open up to everyone. We had to find a new name for the now extended

- BACK TO THE ROOTS - the core of the original feminine power of creation was born.

This is the space of healing, loving and finding your own inner essence of truth.
From this all other workshops, seminars and trainings emerged - always in a mutual free flow of creation.

We have constantly integrated new ways, new possibilities into all of our offerings.
The magic of the Lotus Druids and the Lotus Shamans was the manifestation of this flow.

We constantly tune in to the current themes of life, giving support to them and open doors to a new way of dealing with them. This creational flow is so light and completely ours. It is wonderfully nourishing for all who may participate in it.

Always carried by this feminine power of creation, but never limited to females only.
The special thing about this feminine way of creation is that it gives space for everything and everyone.

Healing, encounter, support exist in this loving space created by us, where everything is allowed to be.

We nourish what belongs to our own roots, always according to our own path.
People come into their own flow and into the freedom to live themselves.

The true path of self - empowerment is prepared for you.

February 18, 2023 — Deborah Reiter
Tags: Lotus Druids