These essences carry the light and the healing information of the Divine Mother, the universal mother, and strengthen the female creation energy. By bringing you into contact with the natural cycles and the light levels of the moon, ancient wisdom becomes accessible for this new time. They also bring you into contact with the light realms of nature and Earth; and enhance the cleansing, and raising of the energy quality, of all waters.
The Moon is connected to Earth as an expression of the Divine Mother. All of the natural processes and cycles - the rhythms, water, tides and the natural processes of Earth, in their original state as a complete expression of mother Earth in unity with the mother of the worlds - are stored in the Moon.
At this moment in time, an adjustment of the earthly energy and the ancient healing knowledge and creational information of pure Shakti (female creation energy) is taking place to free the hidden and make it available in a new form.
The Moon helps one to find one’s own rhythm, to listen to it, and to align one’s life with it.