About Us
About Us
Deborah’s Starlight Essences® are connected to the Starlight Lotus of Stonehenge. They contain pure starlight from all the starlight worlds, the crystal worlds and heaven. They support human kind and Earth in the manifestation of the Golden Age.
Deborah’s Starlight Essences® are a gift to mankind at this special time on planet Earth, reminding us of our divine origin and light and helping us to establish a stronger connection to our heaven. They bring clarity for this lifetime that we may follow our heart and our path; and play our part in the creation of the new world. They remove that which is keeping us stuck in seemingly ‘physical reality’, as we remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience; and our life becomes easier and more joyful as we learn to go with the flow and take our place in life.
The Starlight Essences can be given to people and animals, and can also be used for landscape healing, in nature, and for Feng Shui. Used intuitively or as instructed by a Starlight Essence Therapist they can be applied on the body or in the aura.
Deborah Reiter - Founder
I have always been very aware of and perceptive for the energies around me, especially as a child. I began with regular meditation and energy healing classes in my early twenties, while I was studying Maths and Physics at university. After my graduation, I soon realised that my true calling was working as a healer and holistic therapist.
I decided to study to become an Alternative Practitioner (‘Heilpraktiker’) and worked in a holistic clinic in Bonn for several years, supporting and guiding others on their unique life path. I set up my own clinic near Bonn in 1997 as a place for healing, meditation and seminars for spiritual awareness.
In the year 2002, I received the information from the spiritual world through my teacher Agni that I should bring through the Starlight Essences, a new essences system to support Earth and humankind in the time of transition towards the Golden Age; to help them adapt and adjust to the new energies that are streaming in and to be able to create this new world, filled with light and in alignment to the divine.
I followed the calling to move to England in 2003 as I felt drawn to the powerful energy of Stonehenge. I founded the Starlight Center in 2003 to create a place for people to connect with their inner light, their true potential and to experience healing, support and guidance for their own path.