The beings and worlds awaken in the golden flow of creation.

Now the golden time of creation begins. From countless dimensions of light, the golden creation flow is increasingly flowing to earth, into all levels and to all beings. The first shift from 3D to 5D has already begun and further energetic shifts will take place.

Human consciousness can now awaken to completely new dimensions. The perception of light, love and happiness, of the real energy world, of the truth behind appearances, is available for everyone. All that is needed is to let go and be free of limiting structures, ideas, illusions and beliefs that limit or imprison the human mind and soul.

In this wonderful golden flow of creation, awakening takes place in a completely new form. Some beings and worlds awaken from it like sleeping beauty.

For many, it may be an astonishing awakening as dimensions and worlds that were previously out of sight suddenly communicate themselves.

In the simultaneity, where past, present and future can be experienced in one moment, perception begins to adjust to unity. Everything can be experienced and reached in one moment.

The illusions of darkness, the illusions of the past no longer have any power. Their influence diminishes to the extent that our own consciousness is orientated towards the new and only pays attention to that which corresponds to the truth.

These are blessed times and at the same time they are challenging, as they demand and expect much more from everyone than ever before. Awakening to one's own reality, recognising what is true and what wants to emerge into creation are the essential aspects of the new moon cycle.

It is the time of the great awakening. Long awaited, long prepared for and now finally here, even if this means that everything is turned upside down and develops differently than expected.

In this awakening new connections are being made. The new communities can now begin. Those who share a common creation tasks can join forces and utilise them for the benefit of all.

The path to golden success is paved. The golden inner core, the golden heart and the new golden consciousness are nourished by the golden flow of creation. They begin to communicate, blossom and become fruitful.

Those who are not yet prepared for this need loving and clear guidance and direction as what has been and what was thought to be reality suddenly collapses.

Both in the spiritual world and on earth, the already awakened beings are there to provide guidance, leadership, healing and transformation.

Your own reality emerges from within. Awakening brings with it a clear realisation of energy and an inner knowing. Strengthened and carried by the golden light of creation, this can be brought into your own life.

Infinite dimensions of light begin to flow in. The expansion of consciousness that comes with this is revolutionary. It has never been seen before in this intensity.

Get ready for this time of awakening in the golden light and consciously stepping into creation with your own core qualities.

Let us create a new world that is carried by the golden light of unity, in which new forms of togetherness can emerge, where everyone is welcome to make their contribution.

It is the time of weaving the new patterns of creation on earth. Great things can happen from now on.


Om Namah Shivaya