New Moon Message 03. September 2024

What lasts a long time will finally be good. Get ready for the coming harvest time.
Ages ago, the seeds were planted to blossom in their lively power on earth today, to bear fruit and be harvested.
The light seeds of the soul, which were planted for the new golden age, have been waiting in the earth for a long time. With the beginning of the golden age, the first creation waves and creation impulses came to touch and awaken these seeds in the depths of the earth with light so that they can grow and flourish.
Each light being has their own light seeds in heaven and earth. All avatars have brought creation seeds of light with them - the star seeds to make the light of heaven with all its different frequencies tangible on earth.
All these light seeds give life to something new on earth. After the long periods of darkness, the fruits of the first seeds of light are now ready to be harvested. Open up, make contact with your light seeds. Realise what these seeds and the plants that have perhaps already grown from them still need in the way of light and love and nourishment. These lie as untouched treasures in the nature kingdoms of the earth.
The landscape and nature temples of the light centres are now entering an active harvest time. Precious treasures, the light seeds in the beings, qualities and potentials from the light home are ready to enrich life on earth. This is a very active time. Everyone who is ready for the harvest may need harvest helpers.
The abundance of light is ready to be manifested. The light of one's own heaven, the love of one's own heart in connection with one's own roots to Mother Earth let everything grow and blossom.
Some may have forgotten their light seeds and the places on earth where they were planted. In that case, it is time to remember and go in search of them.
The light garden of your own soul wants to find its equivalent on earth. The power places from other incarnations and your own very special power place, which carries the full potential from your own heaven, are looking forward to the harvest time.
If you have planted your light seeds wisely, they will begin to emerge, grow, and flourish in their own cycle to be ready for the harvest.
Make contact with the accompanying light beings. Everything is possible, even if it still seems unimaginable to human consciousness.
The golden time of harvest is approaching. Be ready for abundance. Be ready to share your gifts of light with the earth.
Everything that has long seemed unattainable can suddenly come into life. Open your doors. Go out, discover the treasures, the fruits and the light garden of your soul.
Everything that has been prepared for a long time and nurtured in hiding can now come out into the world.
It is the time to be visible and to create out of the abundance.
Om Namah Shivaya