New moon message 13.11.2023
In the depths of the black light lie untouched treasures.
The creation levels of black light have begun to connect with the earth. We can assume that this will change the life of light beings on Earth immensely.
The creation levels of black light were announced for a long time. It has finally begun with many small steps and now the big steps are about to start.
It is the preparation for 2024, where the black light will provide completely new creation impulses, healing and guidance levels of light.
With this new moon cycle, the perception levels are opening to the treasures of the black light that are still hidden untouched and protected in the depths of the black light. These treasures correspond to the soul potentials that now want to and may be lived with the new DNA in harmony with creation. It is part of the great light revolution on earth.
It has taken a slow approach to acclimatise the energy systems and the physical body to the black light. In absolute black, all light in all frequencies is available in the highest concentration and presence. Unimagined possibilities will reveal themselves more and more in the future.
It is a call to the priests, the healers and the leaders of the black light to take their places, to put themselves in service and in doing so help to shape the new Golden Age.
Many people associate with the black light the female power of creation, the Shakti energy, which has moved much more into focus in recent years. However, it is only possible to create something new on earth in conjunction with the Shiva forces and the white light. This is why the white light is always part of the black light, as new things can only be created in the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti together.
The white light is already familiar and known to most people. However, here too there are new creation levels that are only now starting to emerge. Whereas for many, the black creation light is still unknown, or they have not yet experienced it. With this moon cycle comes the invitation to dive into the depths of the black light.
The black light has unimagined healing and transformative powers. Gentle and strong at the same time, it feeds light in the highest concentration into all energy levels that call for it. This opens wonderful new possibilities for working with light.
It is worth going on a journey of discovery to uncover your own light treasures in the depths of the black light. They complete your own being and your own life flow.
The Black Madonna of the new era pours out her blessing and welcomes all those who have their place, their tasks and their potential and qualities in the black light.
It is the time to take the first steps and prepare for the waves of black light that will gain momentum in 2024.
Let go of old ideas and imprints concerning the black light. It is a time of new beginnings on all levels.
Welcome the black light into your life. Start your journey. Accept the guidance you need to arrive where you are at home.
Om Namah Shivaya