New Moon Message 29. January 2025

Great things are going to happen.
The start of the new lunar year on 29 January marks the beginning of a new creation cycle for the Earth. In the cosmic interaction of the light forces in which the star worlds, the universes, the planets and the moon are all involved, everything is preparing for the great things that will happen in the course of this new lunar year. Everything is orientated towards unity.
The new creation flow, in which the planetary and starlight forces are focussed together with the creation energy of the divine mother, brings all that is new into the earthly system, which serves the manifestation of life in unity with creation, in unity with the divine source.
These are dynamic times, as many things that still stand in the way are now finally being transformed and dissolved. At the same time, all the supporting levels of light and forces are coming into the individual energy system and that of the earth. These light forces arise from the harmonious interaction of the new feminine and masculine creation forces.
The great things we have been waiting for, for ages, will actually happen this year and become visible on Earth.
There will be significant energy points at certain times when the cosmic forces will release the new levels of light. All of this happens in harmony with the Divine Mother as the great mother of all worlds. Through the Divine Mother, all things are brought into creation, receive their individual form of expression and manifest themselves in harmony with the forces of heaven and earth. The moon constantly brings the feminine creation forces to all of us here on earth in co-operation with the black-golden creation ray.
The earth is in joyful anticipation for all the great things that will happen. In her own way, she is freeing herself from the obstructing forces and from the imbalance that has manifested over a long period of time. She removes the ground from all those who go against what wants to be lived in peace and harmony with the light worlds. She supports the beings and forces that do everything to make this a reality. We are creating a new world together.
In the first moon cycle in 2025, focus on what is really important, on what you have set out to do in this life. Re-prioritise your life. Some would say ‘it's all or nothing’. the Divine Mother says ‘give your all and experience fulfilment and happiness’. It is the time for new direction, for taking your place and for starting anew.
Instead of being distracted by the small things or falling for forces that want to sell in dazzling colours what nobody really needs, focus on your heart. This is the compass for your own life.
It is about awakening in your own creation power and focusing on the great; the great in your own life and the great for the earth.
Everything is possible and our time is now.Om Namah Shivaya.