New moon message 4. August 2024

Earth has taken its new place in the cosmos.
Gigantic changes have taken place for the Earth this year. The new creation levels of light that she herself has given birth to and the new creation levels of light from heaven that are reconnecting with Mother Earth have made these changes possible.
The earth now has a different place and a new role in the cosmic interplay of the creation powers. Since the beginning of the Heart Chakra Age 12 years ago, new dimensions and levels of consciousness have opened this year.
What this brings with it, are other worlds of light that are actively involved in shaping the new Golden Age. Dimensions of light that have been on hold are beginning to flow in to raise collective and individual consciousness.
Being incarnated on Earth holds a great attraction in all worlds as marvellous new developments of all beings are possible. Ambassadors from all worlds have responded to God's call to consciously participate in the creation of the Agni Yuga. Completely new steps and phases of development are now possible on Earth, of which almost nobody could have even imagined. The development of the heart chakra into the Golden Heart is continuing with great steps.
The earth itself radiates the light of Christ and the feminine creation light in a completely new way. This light touches other beings and worlds and invites us to live in unity with creation, with all its marvellous facets and its diversity.
It is the promise that was made a long, long time ago that is now becoming a reality. The seeds of light are sprouting more and more. The black, the white and the golden light of creation are creating the world in the new creation flow. Everyone is invited and called upon to be a part of this and to take on their own place in a completely new form.
It is the preparation for a new divine order and a harmonious flow of creation, in harmony with the Divine Mother and Mother Earth. From this, harmony and balance can be created.
Human consciousness can enter into completely new realms.
The ability, to live love beyond human limitations and the awakening in the divine light are the main characteristics of the new place, that the earth has taken in the cosmos.
The "All is One" can be experienced in the heart at any moment.
Get ready to find, explore and take your own new place. The light of Mother Earth nourishes you, carries you and welcomes your new light from your heaven.
The power of love from the earth, the awakening of light, the abundance of light from our own creation is desired and can be lived.
The ground has been prepared. Now it is up to everyone to cultivate it.
Om Namah Shivaya.